:| The CCA Chairman's Blog |: (unofficial)

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Juan Cabral, Advertising Jury

I really don’t watch a lot of TV. But earlier this year I was on a job in Paris and I heard this amazing song. I looked up from my evil email machine and saw the Sony Bravia TVC for the first time.

I’d say that’s the first TV spot that got my attention in years. I didn’t judge it as a copywriter. I didn’t critique it as a CD. It almost took me a full two seconds afterward to realize that I just watched a commercial. Once in a while something will really catch me off guard. Who cares what it won. Or didn’t. It’s still cool and thank God somebody made it.

Nine months later and (thanks to the lovely people at Corbis and Bates Singapore) I’m in Cannes. Calvin invited me and our little Bates delegation up to the Fallon chalet in the hills above Cannes for a pool party. That’s when I first met one of the creators of the Sony Bravia ad. I think Fallon London had a good time at Cannes this year. With Juan’s help they bagged a couple of golds and got the Grand Prix for outdoor. (I’ll look up the actual medal tally later.)

I told Juan about about our CCA show and he was keen to come out to the island and be a judge. Anyway, for now, it looks like we got him.